Visual Memory Prosthetic

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A term coined by Wearable computing pioneer Steve Mann to describe a WearComp function in which "visual information is temporarily recorded in a memory buffer. The VIual Memeory Prosthetis can help the user to forget or not see at all, as well as remember iand enhance vision. Visual Memory Prosthesis can be used as a safety syste: If something atypical happens, sensors pick up the sudden change in the user's heart rate and the video record of the event will be pulled from the buffer into permanent storange. In the Visual Memory Prosthetic, the user's brain is using the machine ad a second brain, and the machine uses the user's brain as a second central proscessing unit (CPU)".[1]


  1. 265, Mann, Steve and Hal Niedzviecki. Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer. 2001.