Steve Mann

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Steve Mann holds degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD in Media Arts and Sciences '97) and McMaster University, where he was also inducted into the McMaster University Alumni Hall of Fame, Alumni Gallery, 2004, in recognition of his career as an inventor and teacher. While at MIT he was one of the founding members of the Wearable Computers group in the Media Lab. In 2004 he was named the recipient of the 2004 Leonardo Award for Excellence for his article "Existential Technology," published in Leonardo 36:1.

Self Portrait of Steve Mann with Wearable Computing Apparatus, 1981


Paper: WearCam: The Wearable Camera

Diminished Reality

Image Recognition and Replacement

Mobile Data Entry

Contextual Notification Systems

Computer-Mediated Reality

Evolution of Prosthesis


Present Day Steve Mann

Current work - Hydraulophone

EEG Concert

Multiple Instruments Concert


Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer