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OncoMouse is a term used to describe (a type of laboratory mouse that has been genetically modified using modifications designed by Philip Leder and Timothy A Stewart[1] of Harvard University to carry a specific gene called an activated oncogene. The activated oncogene significantly increases the mouse’s susceptibility to cancer, and thus makes the mouse suitable for cancer research. The rights to the invention are owned by DuPont. "OncoMouse" is a registered trademark.[2]) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oncomouse

Oncomouse was engineered with a pump attached to its body in order to understand how to manage human life in long term space travel.

Klines and Cline They had a quite Positive view on the ideas of the futur of space travel Humans, space, drugs. Environment To surmount the everyday conditions of reality in order to ameiloriate the symptoms of everyday reality

Simply give a link to the essay if you use the picture

A Cyborg Handbook.


  1. European Patent Register entry for European patent no. 0169672, under "Inventor(s)". Consulted on February 22, 2008.
  2. Trademark: USPTO serial number 75797027