Notes on Mobile Technology

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"The public space is no longer a full itinerary, lives in all its aspects, stimuli and prospects, but is kept in the background of an itinerant "cellular" intimacy. Thus, the possibility of a nomadic intimacy is achieved, but at the same time there is the refusal to discover and directly experience everything that the social space can offer". Fortunati (2002a, p. 11). Fortunati, L (2002a) 'The Mobile Phone: New Social Categories and Relations', in R. Ling and K. Thrane, eds., The Social Consequences Of Mobile Telephone: The Proceedings From A Seminar About Society, Mobile Telephony And Children, Oslo: Telenor R&D.
"The body is here, but the mind is engaged somewhere else (Agre, 2001).

Agre, P.E. (2001) 'Changing Places: Context of Awareness in Computing', Human-Computer Interaction, 16.2-4, pp. 177-192.

Spatial consciousness is reconfigured by mobile communications as physical co-presence becomes 'absorbed by a technologically mediated world of elsewhere' (Gergen, 001, p. 227).

Source: The Social Geometry of Mobile Telephony by Alex Law, Number 42. Razon Y Palabra: Primera Revista Electronica oen American Latine Especializada en Communication. Diciembre 2004, Eneroo 2005.

This is a good source. It utilized seminal work in the field had has an excellent bibliography.

Also see: Stones, R (2001) 'Mobile phones and the transformation of public space', Sociology Review, November: 31-32.

Nafus, D and Tracey, K (2002) 'Mobile phone consumption and concepts of personhood', in Katz and Aakhus.