Life in the Cocoon - Continuous Partial Attention

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Life in the cocoon. Continuous Partial Attention Out of place artifacts persist in the excavation of ancient cities, while general displacement is rampant in modern metropolises by way of newfangled techno-accessories. Bi-pedal humanoids seek refuge in continuous partial attention. Free from the immobility of desktop computing, while subject to local anesthesia, a numbness to the immediate world.

Animals everywhere are drawn to urban environments to make their nests, a form of adaptation in hostile environments. Why should anyone wonder differently about bi-pedal humanoids seeking refuge in continuous partial attention? [1]

General displacement is rampant in modern metropolises by way of new fangled techno-accessories. Bi-pedal humanoids seek refuge in continuous partial attention. Free from the immobility of desktop computing, while subject to local anesthesia, a numbness to the immediate world.

Life in the cocoon.