Equipotential Space

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The term Equipotential Space was coined by Renato Serverino in 1970 in his book Equipotential Space: Freedom in Architecture. "The determining characteristics of Equipotential space are continuity, flexibility, and articulation. Instead of being planned for a few specific purposes, Equipotential space can be modulated at will for any purpose" [1]

"Equipotential space offers the possibility of real freedom", wrote Serverino, "This is not freedom just to be different, but freedom to participate as fully as possible, give social, economic and technical reality" [2].


I found that constructions of architectural space during this era (1970) from several authors attempt to create modular futuristic spaces as they conceive of technological effects of space. Some of these spaces began to resemble spaceships, or pods --> interlocking places suited for either one number it occupants or many.

The most successful online sites have shown us a full realization of Severino's Equipotential Space. "It is freedom to shape responsive solutions to immediate needs - and when these needs change, to have a new solution" [3].

The issue here is that the future architectural spaces are not analog spaces. But are digital ones, and it us these digital spaces that are modular and resemble spaceships, protecting ys from the liminalities and harshness of outer space that is the Internet, vast interconnected architecture are only accessible by technological hybrids - that is, those connected or engaged with a machine. Highways, for instance, are an architecture on which only those with vehicle shells can cross [4]; and the architecture of rude interfaces us not being disrupted by traditional architecture any longer --- buy rather programmers, interaction designers, software architects, salespeople ---> even those who inhabit this space.

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  1. (Revisiting) Equipotential Space: Freedom in (Digital) Architecture From: Equipotential Space: Freedom in Architecture. Praeger publishers. Serverino, Renato. New York, London. Page 14.
  2. Ibid. Page 29.
  3. Ibid. Page 29.
  4. All that is Solid Melts Into Air - Moses' New New York. A highway leading to the beach only accessible by those with vehicles