EEG and the Quantified Self

From Cyborg Anthropology
Revision as of 23:03, 18 August 2010 by Caseorganic (Talk | contribs)

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One might see some interesting results if they were to plug an EEG hat into a cell phone.

Things that could be tracked:

  • Moods vs location vs time.
  • Moods vs location vs heartrate vs time vs sleep cycle.

OCZ OCZMSNIA Neural Impulse Actuator might be able to be hacked to do this. It has been traditionally used as a neural interface for gaming.

The sensors installed in the headband allow one's brain wave signal to be converted into control signals. OCZ turned the previous RS-232 serial port connection into the more common USB interface, and uses DirectX API for multi-threaded importation of commands.
  • @jtbandes notes that the Geoloqi API does have a space for things such as heart rate and brain waves.