Inverge ‘08 Transcript: From Telephone To Tweetup

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Inverge ‘08 Powerpoint and Transcript: From Telephone To Tweetup

Some Theory Behind the Subject

The invention of the telephone ushered in an era of ‘on-demand’ social connection. These conversations were freeing, but were still limited to location and time. As communication technology matured, telephones became detached from their cords and were allowed to travel with their users.This detachment from location allowed conversation to happen in more times and more places. As the amount of time and space between nodes of connection decreased, the intersection of rapid news methods such as blogging, mobile technology, and chatrooms begin to merge. This convergence allowed dramatic increases in the ability to rapidly convey information to others.

Instead of engaging with one person at a time, many are now capable of talking at once. No where is this more prevalent than on Twitter. It has found ways to connect communities, stave off suburban isolation, and warn of earthquakes before medical help can access them. The distance between individual and community will continue to decrease, and those products and services which decrease the amount of time and space it takes to create an action will be the most successful.

Actions and devices will become lighter and lighter, and the social will continue to become more and more mobile. The convergence of various technologies will result in rapid learning and communication never imagined before. For details on the original event, look at the SlideShare Link. Slideshow transcript

  • Slide 1: Every bullet point in this presentation is less than 140 characters.
  • Slide 2: This is because the text of these slides will also be broadcasted on Twitter at the time of this speech.
  • Slide 3: In this way, the speech can live in two places at once.
  • Slide 4: To one audience here at Inverge.
  • Slide 5: And also to 600+ followers on Twitter. [@Inverge] [#Inverge]
  • Slide 6: You can follow @caseorganic to see it in action.
  • Slide 7: [this is a waiting period because the Internet connection here is probably slow] @caseorganic
  • Slide 8: Hello.
  • Slide 9: My Name is Amber Case.
  • Slide 10: I am a Cyborg Anthropologist.
  • Slide 11: I study the symbiotic relationship between humans and computers…
  • Slide 12: And the psychology of space that is created by online environments.
  • Slide 13: Or, how the online experience is “ experienced” .
  • Slide 14: In Anthropology, one could call this a Digital Phenomenology
  • Slide 15: …
  • Slide 16: We live in a community that increasingly transcends time and space.
  • Slide 17: It is our relationship with technology that allows us extended capabilities.
  • Slide 18: Right now, search engines and people are interacting with your social profiles and websites.
  • Slide 19: While you aren’ t there.
  • Slide 20: And with social networking sites like Twitter, you can watch many conversations at once.
  • Slide 21: …
  • Slide 22: Consider Letter Writing, the first Internet.
  • Slide 23: The message to response ratio was very slow, but it was social.
  • Slide 24: Enter the Telephone.
  • Slide 25: Thus began the era of ‘ On Demand’ social communication.
  • Slide 26: This made the world very small.
  • Slide 27: You could stand on one side of the world, whisper something, and be heard on the other.
  • Slide 28: But to those who had never experienced a telephone, the device was as foreign as the Internet once was in 1993.
  • Slide 29: The fact that a human could speak into a machine and hear a voice on the other side gave the appearance of schizophrenia.
  • Slide 30: Over time, the strangeness of the new dissolved into formal society and the landline telephone started to get along with humans.
  • Slide 31: Those living in suburban communities were less capable of reaching actual members of society on a daily basis.
  • Slide 32: …and the telephone allowed them an escape from the isolation of industrial modernity.
  • Slide 33: But the telephone was limited by the length of its cord and its proximity to a phone jack.
  • Slide 34: So along came the cordless phone.
  • Slide 35: It was free! {yay!}
  • Slide 36: …to run around the house…
  • Slide 37: So then the Cell Phone arrived on the scene. {take that!}
  • Slide 38: While it was the least rooted to place,
  • Slide 39: The Cell Phone did not offer information transparency.
  • Slide 40: It only allowed one conversation at a time (excluding 3-way).
  • Slide 41: Cell Phone + Text allowed decentralized message access and multiple recipients, but limited message transparency.
  • Slide 42: Then Twitter happened.
  • Slide 43: It was not rooted to place and time.
  • Slide 44: It allowed multiple communication channels and recipients.
  • Slide 45: Users were praised for contribution and helpfulness to those in their network.
  • Slide 46: Why does it work?
  • Slide 47: Twitter is a centralized technosocial hybrid that asks a single question that can never be fully answered.
  • Slide 48: …
  • Slide 49: What
  • Slide 50: Are
  • Slide 51: You
  • Slide 52: Doing?
  • Slide 53: The question is asked by all, to all. Socialization is aided by machine.
  • Slide 54: The time and space it takes to absorb and disperse information is compressed.
  • Slide 55: Twitter takes advantage of the 4th Dimensionality of the Internet.
  • Slide 56: [Analog] [Demonstration]
  • Slide 57: Lets look at some Architectural Theory
  • Slide 58: “ Our daily existence is normally filled with short walks and passing through interfaces. It is not the number that we remember but rather the poor quality of them and the time spent in moving through them.\”
  • Slide 59: “ It is not the number that we remember but rather the poor quality of them and the time spent in moving through them.\”
  • Slide 60: “ Interference interchanges must be fast, convenient, comfortable, without undue effort in a controlled environment.”
  • Slide 61: The General Theory of Relativity
  • Slide 62: The shape of space makes people more, and people create the shape of space.
  • Slide 63: The Analog World is full of Friction
  • Slide 64: The level of Friction in the Digital world has far less.
  • Slide 65: Online, we are capable of innovating in a frictionless atmosphere.
  • Slide 66: There are dangers to this.
  • Slide 67: Frictionless development becomes cancerous if not restrained.
  • Slide 68: Too many features/innovations reduce overall value.
  • Slide 69: LIKE FACEBOOK.
  • Slide 70: Now, lets talk about highways.
  • Slide 71: Highways are giant projects requiring high levels of funding and cooperation.
  • Slide 72: To dig up a highway and move it costs millions of dollars.
  • Slide 73: But rerouting a path online takes a few minutes with a 301 redirect.
  • Slide 74: People, when compressed, can do more in less time and less space.
  • Slide 75: Actions flow to spaces with reduced activation energy and barriers to entry.
  • Slide 76: Humans and Technology Co-create each other through an Actor/Network of technosocial interaction.
  • Slide 77: “ In the search for itself and an affectionate sociality, it easily gets lost in the jungle of the self…”
  • Slide 78: “ Someone who is poking around in the fog of his of his or her own self is no longer capable of noticing that this isolation,
  • Slide 79: “ This ’solitary-confinement of the ego’ is a mass sentence. [Ulrich Beck, 40 in Bauman’ s Liquid Modernity 2000:37]”
  • Slide 80: [So Technosocial Interaction is about Transcending the silos of Mental Isolation]
  • Slide 81: Hello
  • Slide 82: The key to the semantic web is to always reduce the steps in user action.
  • Slide 83: Twitter engages the user in ways that do not decay.
  • Slide 86: See SlideShare for image
  • Slide 87: See Slideshare for image
  • Slide 88: Husband on Google Street View
  • Slide 89: Old map
  • Slide 90: See Slideshare for image.
  • Slide 92: @caseorganic On Social Sites Everywhere Thesis: “Cell Phones and Their Technosocial Sites of Engagement” Available

Source: [1]