Notes with A. Warner July 20, 2011

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Andrew:  hey! meeting with the second editor tomorrow and getting some revisions, is there anything in particular you want me to ask about?
 me:  Great -- just the book in general - is it interesting? would they read it? is there a tone present in any of the articles that they really like?
i'll be busy all day tomorrow - then i'll have some free time in the morning and evening friday
i'll be in san fran sat and sunday, as well as friday - i have to go down to mountain view though on friday - we could go on the train down there
 Sent at 4:25 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  I have an engagement friday, so that prob won't work, is there any time you're going to be in SF for a few hours during the rest of the weekend?
 me:  yeah - sat and sunday are free and i'll be in sf
 Andrew:  I think the editor mainly focused on the intro (he's a professor and busy) but he definitely looked over the rest, so I'll make sure to ask him about general tone.
 me:  Okay sounds good!
 Andrew:  awesome, let's shoot for one of those days, my schedule is open so tell me a time and I should be able to make it
 me:  Okay sounds good. Maybe you can come by where I'm staying and we can work on the book in the sun.
Text will work best during my trip - to get in touch please use ## on the trip
 Sent at 4:30 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  sounds good! I ordered 10 cyborg books last week and have been pushing through them, I'm hoping to beef up some of our arguments with references to them, which will also place us within the scholarly discussion of cybernetics and cyborgs
I noticed we managed to write the book without a reference to the cyborg handbook, which is slightly sketchy...
 Sent at 4:33 PM on Wednesday
 me:  awesome! fantastic
hmm -- we wrote without ref to that book? strange
well - perhaps because we reference articles present in it
like the original cyborg paper
 Sent at 4:34 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  true, although the cyborg handbook is probably the closest anticedent to what we're doing, we should probably discuss some of their theses
 me:  correct ok
we have until sept 15 now
for the book - so there is time
i emailed all the orderers
 Andrew:  awesome, is that when you're sending it to rushkoff?
 Sent at 4:36 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  also, this editor suggested as a possible publisher after the first print
 Sent at 4:38 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  it looks like their an art house subsidary of MIT press, which would be awesome
 Sent at 4:40 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Neat! Okay!
I'll be sending it to Rushkoff at the end of August.
 Sent at 4:44 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  awesome. would you want to send an e-mail to them or at least draft one that makes the case for why they should take on the book (~500 presales, rushkoff, lecture tour, etc.) so we can get the ball rolling on that front?
 me:  Hmm - good idea. yes. but i can't do one yet until i prepare for this speech i have to do tomorrow
how about we sit down and do that tomorrow?
 Andrew:  totally understand
 me:  i mean -- sunday or sayurday
 Andrew:  yeah I'm meeting with the editor @ 3, so before or after 6 should work well for me
ah cool
 me:  okay - sounds good lets do that then
are you meeting the editor tomorrow?
 Andrew:  yeah
 me:  ok -- hmmm
 Sent at 5:00 PM on Wednesday
 me:  i literally have no time to do that.
before then
but i can try
 Andrew:  oh no worries, this is just a good friend/mentor who offered to help with the editing, we can draft a formal proposal on sunday and then start sending them off next week
 me:  great ok
 Andrew:  he might have some good input as to what to say and such too that we can incorporate in on sunday
 me:  great!
 Sent at 5:04 PM on Wednesday
 me:  ok i wrote a draft
 Andrew:  awesome
 Sent at 5:06 PM on Wednesday
 me:  kay! see you this weekend. use ###
for texting
data is failing on my phone - and it is horrible
i feel cut off as a cyborg
 Andrew:  sounds good (should I save this as your normal #?
 Sent at 5:10 PM on Wednesday
 Andrew:  yeah I was phoneless for a few days and i felt impotent, I'm glad to be back to my "normal" self
 Sent at 5:11 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Good! See you soon!