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Panic architecture is a term used to describe a participatory architecture that demands compulsive interaction or attention. Facebook is the most potent form of panic architecture because families and friends can panic each other or be heavily affected by photo posts and status updates. E-mail, especially when attached to an audible update signal, is another form of panic architecture because it invites the user to obsessively click it.<ref>Webb, Matt, and Tom Stafford. Mindhacks - Why Email is Addictive and What to do About it. http://mindhacks.com/2006/09/19/why-email-is-addictive-and-what-to-do-about-it/ Published Sept. 2006. Accessed Oct 2011.</ref>
From Banff Polymath Breakthrough - Notes to Process:  
Digital panic generally occurs when multiple systems of intermittent reinforcement concurrently demand a user's attention.
Intermittent reinforcement describes the urge to click on Emails and other cites of social interaction. The idea of intermittent reinforcement comes out of B.F. Skinner's theories on Operant Conditioning and Behavorism. His experiments that found that rats who got irregular rewards from food-bar-pushing were far more driven to compulsively push the bar.<ref>Author Unknown. Factoidz - Intermittent Reinforcement: Are You Addicted to Email and Smartphones? Factoidz.com: Addictions. http://factoidz.com/intermittent-reinforcement-are-you-addicted-to-email-and-smartphones/ Accessed Oct 2011.</ref>
A participatory architecture is a tangible, haptic, auditory or visual manifestation of connectivity. E-mail, especially when attached to an audible update signal, is a form of panic architecture because it invites the user to obsessively click it.
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The idea of Facebook or E-mail is a river that cannot be frozen in time. It is stuck into an intangible and constantly morphing space that constantly demands action. The turns various actions on the Internet into a form of Panic Architecture. It's the physiological equivalent of Star Ship Enterprise Style Emergency. Red blinking lights: ERG ERG ERG ERG. There's an urgent E-mail, an SMS. A message you have to There's a new E-mail, a button you have to click.
It's about experiencing remote actions through mediation. Online, one doesn't complete any epxerience or activity without sending some kind of message about it. The recepient is not as relevant as the action of sending, the idea that one's voice, actions or content is heard.
're taling to people but we're really not - ands the response is irrelevant.
the idea of feeling too much of everyplace -- in bartending. the idea is the same with the internet . of being strewen across many website.s
telenoia - paranoia - of people clicking on them. 
physiclaldy touching another person . hitting someone like one would onf facebook .
I wonder how big our facebook walls will be when we die. 
will it be a lost medium or will it be something that biographers take seriously
From a studio visit with Althea and Rebecca: 
1. How much infortmation can you see at once? 
2. Its an intricate weight but we feel it and it affects us. The idea of the digital presence affecting us but invisible. Yet it can still make us happy or it can make is depressed. It can make us think or it can make us not think. It can give and we can give to it. 
3. How central is it to you and your collaborators? Is it just about you or is about others? 
3 major aspects? 
Asking others also. 
4. Completing our experience through messaging. The idea of being alone in a bookstore and having a fantastic experience but not being able to cshar ehtat expeirence until later. But sometimes the expeirence is in the now of things, that the father away that experencde gets, mthe more difficutl it be omes to share the expernece with the same amount of resolution that that experience first existeed in. 
So instead we take a picture and we upload it to our audience. this is the euqivalent of showing it to a the friends we didn't bring to the bookstore with us .going to the firend and saying, "here this is!". And even if no one else esees it, we...
5. ...feel complete in that expeirence because we've cshared it. the interface becomes a mirror of our expeirnece, the idea of having actually have been there, and existing there. 
6. In this way, the phone becomes this prosthetic audience where you feel this connection through. you feel that if you were to send something through it, there would be teyes on the other side to be able to see it. even though those eyes and the information are invisible. you vcna be anywher an shar ethat. there's an annihilation of gravity. 
ANn idea to take what is obvious to us andnd bring it to a larger audience that has not yet considered this expernece beofre. to have it resonate with thoeir own inner thought that they wrre not able to share in the same way. to then have them say, "ah ha! this is my expeirnece too! i wondered why i felt this way - and others are feelnig this way too!". 
7. so the experience itslef is compelted just by posting it. 
Have people in for studio visits and wine. about Facebook. trheir technological expeirence. the idea of waves of engagement and disengagement. shame and recknelssness, careful posting and paralization. 
8. "I think Facebook structured our memores" , althea says. 
The idea of a reunion, both for family and for school is a ritual that happens one a year or once every multiple  years. this idea allows ones who have not seen each other for a while  to make up on thow much they've changed ro stated the same over time. the idea of facebook collapses that idea of the reunion and makturnst it into a constant on demant reunion, a tidal wave of connectivity and activity. 
10. BNook is soup. Break down barries of hat is stuposed to be. The idea of including these snippets int a book and creating them into an overall document. the idea of an advertisement stitching together many disseeperate imagres and placing a logo at the end of hthe sequence. even though there may not be and general theme, a theme still arises becuas eht ehuman mind wants to make that connection. 
the idea of a long strech of narrative is like a long highway without any exists and without any scenety. one goes the samw speed down it many peopel try to rush it. 
thew idea is that reading is post that. post long narrative text. one now writres in short chunks, they're used to getting their ddata in small, bite-sized chunks. 140 characters, SMS messages, status updates. captions for photos. comments on blogs. short texts. even blog posts are cut up into chunks. 
but has it ever been any different? mostly, the top paragraph of a news story is read. we've turned into a news culture where the news is the narrative. where the news covers a narrative that might have taken too long to read. 
9. the idea of printing out and preserving these images is to bring these extremely fasy ideas into a slower analog worl,.d because these experiences get smaller and more momentary. they become fleeting and useless. the only way to touch them, or to see more of them at once than the extreme flurry of the updates, the river off ideas and news and text and emotion and links, it to ake a picture, print it out. stop it from moving. and print all of it out at once. 
11. the book itself becomes a patchwork quilt, jsut as the internet is a pathwork wuit of meotions and posts, constnalty being diced up and cexpanded or contracted, diug or pushed to the side, pulled out and recooperated, or splied ino other ideas. the idea of the technosocial individual multi-tasking, entering in and out of tasks, switching form one thing to the next. ging nack to email or blogs or twitter to see if there's anyhting new. panic culture. pop-up culture. the idea of toast popping up the show it is done. the idea of an icon bouncing for attention. the idea of one's brain being full of toaster ovens and pop-ups, the toast going off constnalty, sometimes on one side of the room and sometimes on the tother, but sontantly popping. sometimes three at once. dividing attention between the toast. faster than one can eat it. and then the old toast being shoved away in a closet, sometimes broguht out again. our lives full of toast .sometimes sending the toast to others to shrare it. sometimes hoarding all of the toast for outselv.es sometimes making a new kind of toast. 
12. we flip through the magazine in random order. we get linked to the middle of a blolg, each page losing contenxt, and we like it so we go to antoehr post. so the book becomes like a multitastking internet expeirnce. one can flip and grab something at random and perhaps save it in the mind for later. some sections more intereting than others. the book never meant to real like a long narrative, but a jarred, randomized narrative, which switches from one subject back to antoehr .
13. The internet as the idea of a magazine as a browing expeenc.e only small chunks of hte internet resemble books. 
14. The need to have tangibility of object and the idea of the publishing revolution. 
15. Condensed poetiecs. Connectig with people conlin more than off. 
16. Althea: what's missing is the glue. The things that are beinding togehter all of these ideas andc convepts. Either you three or some fictional character. These dimensions of the subjectivity. 
17. oh, all these...
18. See Benjamin's These on History. Fold that in, like you're making a confetti cake. Grab quotes from him at random. Splice Splice Splice Splice SPlice SPlice. Hypermoden remix culture does not just extend to vidoe, it extends to words as well. 
19. These thoughts, these vignettes. Very grt mbrilliant and deep. Keep these where the books becomes Facebook updates. The essay as text, out-moded. 
20.The real world is fucking boring. 
21. Caratina Fake, flickr. how her geography determind how she wil be treated. 
22. Longing. Quasi romance through texting. Fading off as interaction ceases. 
23. The collapse of space and time. 
Thomas Hirschhorn shows all aspects of something at one time. All of history at once. All potentialities of action at once time. The collapse of potentiality and spac eand time and history and future into one lived moment. 
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Latest revision as of 22:22, 16 December 2011



Panic architecture is a term used to describe a participatory architecture that demands compulsive interaction or attention. Facebook is the most potent form of panic architecture because families and friends can panic each other or be heavily affected by photo posts and status updates. E-mail, especially when attached to an audible update signal, is another form of panic architecture because it invites the user to obsessively click it.[1]

Digital panic generally occurs when multiple systems of intermittent reinforcement concurrently demand a user's attention. Intermittent reinforcement describes the urge to click on Emails and other cites of social interaction. The idea of intermittent reinforcement comes out of B.F. Skinner's theories on Operant Conditioning and Behavorism. His experiments that found that rats who got irregular rewards from food-bar-pushing were far more driven to compulsively push the bar.[2]


  1. Webb, Matt, and Tom Stafford. Mindhacks - Why Email is Addictive and What to do About it. http://mindhacks.com/2006/09/19/why-email-is-addictive-and-what-to-do-about-it/ Published Sept. 2006. Accessed Oct 2011.
  2. Author Unknown. Factoidz - Intermittent Reinforcement: Are You Addicted to Email and Smartphones? Factoidz.com: Addictions. http://factoidz.com/intermittent-reinforcement-are-you-addicted-to-email-and-smartphones/ Accessed Oct 2011.